Les nouvelles de Saint Loup

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https://drive.google.com/file/d/1YQbRcR27UuK4_QJTegYO6r0i6qC-aYCB/view?usp=sharingT ERM INAL  DESCR IPT IO N L (LINE) This is where the AC ‘live’ or ‘line’ connection is made (90-264V @ 50/60 Hz AC)** N (NEUTRAL) This is where the AC ‘neutral’ connection is made (90-264V @ 50/60 Hz AC)** 0V (GROUND) This is where the ‘ground’ connection is made** HL (HATH LOCK) / ML (MOTOR LOCK)ExxF21: Provides 12V continuously to energise solenoid for hatch lock (HL) ExxF23: This provides 12V 300mA for 500 ms to engage the lock for motorised locks (ML)MU (MOTOR UNLOCK) ExxF21: This provides return path for the solenoid circuit (OV)                       ExxF23: This provides 12V 300mA for 500 ms to disengage the lock (MU)HF (LOCK FEEDBACK) Reads lock feedback for motorised locksNC (NOT CONNECTED) P1Relay 1 live from RCBO* P2Relay 1 coil on the contactor* P3Relay 2 live from 32A RCBO P4Relay 2 coil on the 32A contactor P5Relay 3 live from 63A RCBO P6Relay 3 coil on the 63A contactor PP (PROXIMITY PIN) This connects to the PP connector on the IEC61851 EVSE connector GN (GREEN LED) For external LED connection for green indication (5V 30mA) BL (BLUE LED) For external LED connection for blue indication (5V 30mA) RD (RED LED) For external LED connation for red indication (5V 30mA) CP (CONTROL PIN) This connects to the CP connector on the IEC61851/J1772 EVSE connector IC (INPUT CURRENT PIN) This connects to the IC resistor, switch, or dial



https://drive.google.com/file/d/1qRvPO-XClJlQiAOiyxLO8wN0_BntSzIL/view?usp=sharing https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B5Up6oXTyroGcDdCdGtjeGVQaVk/view?usp=sharing 
   https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B5Up6oXTyroGYTVTTnlrZDZRX1U/view?usp=sharing  https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B5Up6oXTyroGWEJBSnVLcnhNSjg/view?usp=sharing

https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B5Up6oXTyroGcnlkSHNwb3BqSEU/edit?usp=sharing     https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B5Up6oXTyroGbG05b052dEhJMW8/edit?usp=sharing